Vienna, Austria

I have to tell another story from yesterday.  My senior citizen friends will appreciate it.  My younger friends will just roll their eyes.  I also need to preface the story with this fact. . . I have been to several conferences over the years and the speakers mention that someone 15 years older than you are, are considered old in your eyes. So before you go any further, determine in your mind if this a a correct statement.

In Bratislava, I went into a visitors center to ask directions.  She gave them to me.  I reported them to Ron, and he questioned, my report.  So, I told him to go in and check for himself.   When he came out, he had the funniest grin on his face. “When I asked the gal directions, she said, As I told the old lady. . .”  We do not think of ourselves as old. Mature, yes, but old. NO!  Old is past 90.

Our day in Vienna was filled with information, looking at enormous buildings and beautiful gardens and fountains.  We also saw about 15-20 river boat cruisers docked on the Danube.  In case you do not know or have not heard, riverboat cruising in Europe is HUGE!  Steps travelled today, 13,295.

Just a few facts about Vienna. . .

It has some of the most pure water of any place in the world. It comes from the Alps and travels a nice distance for about 36 hours. When it finally arrives it needs no treatment.  It is good water.

There are 7-8 million people living in Vienna.  In Vienna, 50% of the property is green space.  They have several huge parks in the city.  Since the people live in apartments, they need that space to enjoy nature.

The reason so many musicians come from Austria during the 17th to 19th century was because there were very many noble people and they had lots of parties in their palaces where they needed orchestras.  It was always live (no C.D.’s during then) and the children needed music teachers also. As I understand it, that was a well paying job to have.


The first picture is a museum, the second is Mozart in a park. Notice the flowers shaped like a treble clef. The third picture is a fall scene in one of the parks and the last is a floral clock with the Kersalon in the background.

Woe is me. Yesreday a young woman in her 20’s called me “an old lady” and today was not much better. About 9:00 pm we were sitting having ice cream and a young man, probably in his 20’s drove up on his scooter (you know the kind. It has a running board and you put one foot on it and the other you propel yourself forward by swiping your other foot on the ground.) He sat down at the edge of the open air restaurant and took out his sketch pad.  As we were leaving he handed the sketch of me to me.  I was unnerved.  It looked just like me, AND just like an old lady. Moral of the 2 stories. . .  Keep away from 20 something people, or you will forget you’re just 39 at heart.

Thanks for sharing our day.